Bethel Stratford

Inner Healing

Helping Believers Get Free and Live Free

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Book an appointment

Melissa McLaren
Associate Pastor

Needs Request

Disclaimer: Bethel volunteers will do their best to meet your need as long as a volunteer is available. Please note that these requests are not intended to meet long-term needs but to provide some temporary relief. Should you need something more permanent, please reach out to the pastoral staff. For more information contact: Cheryl Farello at [email protected]

If selected, the need will be only shared with Bethel Pastors and the volunteer(s) with the appropriate skill set.
Select the Need(Required)

A Bethel volunteer will contact you to collect additional information. Thank you for your patience as we match your request with the appropriate volunteer.

Prayer Request

Would you like a pastor to call and pray with you?(Required)
Would you like this request shared with the prayer team?(Required)

Connect Card

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