
Serving Locally & Globally

At Bethel, we believe in the Good News of Jesus – and so we’ve sent out, partnered with, and supported missionaries and ministries locally in our city, country, and around the globe. Missions include both meeting the needs of soul and body: telling those who haven’t yet heard about God’s love for them and serving their daily needs.
Check out some of the worlds most incredible people below that have dedicated their lives to reaching and serving people around the world!

Missionaries we support

Grant Dodson

Grant Dodson

Grant has been on staff with YFC/Youth Unlimited since 2003. He has a deep passion for youth work and loves to support, encourage, and empower youth as they grow in their relationships with God and discover what He has in store for their lives.

Ray & Margi Bradbury

The Bradbury's are a missionary family called of God to plant a strong, relevant, vibrant church that is committed to declaring the message of the Gospel in Argentina.

George & Eileen Werner

George Werner is the Strategic Initiative Director for NLI Canada. He has over 32 years of ministry experience, as a pastor, a national leader with church networks in Canada, and as an international mission worker in Europe.

Phil & Judy Bowler

Phil is the theological educational consultant for Guinea, Liberia and Senegal. Judy is the facilitator of discipleship and evangelistic strategies with a vision for multiplicative church planting in Guinea and beyond. Together they are working to strengthen and develop the 17 Alleluia Christian schools in Guinea.

School of hope

Our vision is to bring lasting hope and share God's purposes and plans with the schools and surrounding communities within school district 8, of Tegucigalpa, Honduras

Janet & Ilya Bansteev

The Bantseevs are pastoring a church of approximately 1,000 people in Novokuznetsk, a city of 600,000 people. Their congregation ministers in prisons, orphanages, and to people with life controlling problems or addictions.
Kathy Mizen, Director of the School of Hope Honduras

Kathy Mizen

As the director of the Schools of Hope, I, along with my team, minister in the public schools in our district. We teach Bible classes, while providing nutritional food support to the students, giving us the opportunity to share with over 8,500 children!

Possibilities House of Children (Mexico)

Back2Back (and Possibilities House) is an international non-profit organization dedicated to being a voice for orphans.  They exist to love and care for orphaned and vulnerable children and families by meeting their spiritual, physical, educational, emotional and social needs.  Rick and Lisa Bursey Directors

Local missions

Simple Dreams
Master's College
Stratford House of Blessing Logo
House of Blessing
ERDOChild Sponsorship
United Way Perth Huron logo
Community Meals
Scott Couper, Lead Advocate
Jesse Britton, Youth For Christ

Needs Request

Disclaimer: Bethel volunteers will do their best to meet your need as long as a volunteer is available. Please note that these requests are not intended to meet long-term needs but to provide some temporary relief. Should you need something more permanent, please reach out to the pastoral staff. For more information contact: Cheryl Farello at [email protected]

If selected, the need will be only shared with Bethel Pastors and the volunteer(s) with the appropriate skill set.
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